
Monday, May 24, 2010

visit me on facebook

please visit me on God bless,noah ongay

the quentisessential

what does quentisessential mean?it means the main thing.what is the main thing?what is the important thing of the church...the heart of the church?read 1 crointhians chapter 13,it tells us that without love you are nothing.theres 3,hope,love,but the greates of these is love.the bible tells us that God is love.Jesus is love!Jesus is the main thing of the church.he is the important thing of the church,some churches think its prayer.some think is the ofering,but imagine this,theres a band playing christian music but there is no vocals in it...thats not christian music unless Jesus is in it.without Jesus,u are just hearing clashing symbols.what makes christian music?its the Jesus part.i know alot of christian band that sing christian music but they dont even say Jesus in there music.thats the same with the church...some people only preach morality,but i believe we have to preach Jesus...he is the essential part of the church.not the music.not the prayer.not even the church building....but its jesus.the biggining and the end.Jesus is the quentisessential thing of the church.we need him.without him,we are just people.people believing but do not have Jesus...yes lord.

***p.s..long time no post.its been a long time.if u have the time,visit me on face book,GOD BLESS...noah ongay

Sunday, May 9, 2010

visit me on myspace

hello:for more information about united as one,visit me on email is

god bless

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keep shooting.

My topic today is...excuses.lets get something straight,whats an excuse?well,first,let me tell you what "sin"means first:

  • Sin-it comes from a Hebrew word that's means to miss the mark.
  • Excuse-an excuse means to tell WHY you missed the mark.
Look at Genesis chapter 3-your probably  familiar with this true story-when Eve was tempted in the garden-Satan did tempt Eve and Adam-that's when the world of excuses came about.when Adam and Eve realized that they were naked,God said-"why have you ate from the fruit i told you not to,"and Adam blamed it on God saying,"it's this woman you gave me.this woman convinced me to eat from the fruit-this woman made me do it-the one YOU gave ME.then Eve explained that the serpent convince her to do it-wow-that was the beginning of excuses.

Did you know that we are armed-lets look back to the definition of sin:it comes from a Hebrew word which means to miss the mark-we are equipped with a bow & arrow-if you like gulf,which I don't,you can say that you are equipped with a club and a ball.lets read on to 2 KINGS 13:15-18, here, Elisha commanded to take bow and arrows and smite the ground he only did it once and stoped...."and the man of God was wroth with him,and said,thou shoulderst have smitten 5 or six times....(2 kings 19)-Joash should've hit the ground at least 5 times...but he only hit once...that's us...people keep on missing the mark then stop---NO!we have to pick up our bow and arrow and keep,keep,keep,keep,keep,keep,keep,\shooooooting until you HIT THE M.A.R.K!!!!amen.don't just hit once 3 times then stop-keep shooting 'till you hit the mark.GOD bless.


are you you a true worshiper?,read this verse:

"religion that our God our Father accepts as pure and faultiness is this:to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."-james 1.27(NIV)

true worship is also looking after widows and orphans-when the earthquak hit Haiti,people were careless....but,eventhough it MIGHT'VE been a punishment from God,little children have starved to death and have sufferd-I do not believe THAT was a punishment from God-I believe God wants us to help people around the world-from Africa to russia-from the philipenes to Haiti-helping them...thats part of true worship.caring.Jesus cares for the widows and orphens.....why shouldn't WE.

who's the role model?

who's your role model?your it someone famous?a preacher? Billy Graham?well believe it or not,there is one role model that we should follow.that role model is Jesus Christ.Jesus didn't just come to earth to shed hie precious blood on the cross,he also came to set an example...Jesus said,"follow me"allot in the New Testament.Other popular role models sometime goes behind your back and does something terrible like smoking pot,but the Lord Jesus Christ,lived a perfect life-Jesus never smoked...he never killed...the bible never said anything about Jesus cursing...Jesus taught us to love one another...he forgave people that are not even worth being forgiven...that's an example we should follow...i don't know who your role model is,but mine is Jesus the Christ.Allot of people follow famous people,but they don't know who the true role model is...the one who shed his blood on Calvary...Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 7, 2010

2 types of idoltery...satan sneaks up on you when you dont even realize it.

think of idolatry...what do you think of?people worshiping other gods?bowing to a gold statue?well,believe it or not,that's not what all idolatry is like...theres more to the story....

  • the first type of idolatry is what i just mentioned....worshiping other gods...OR...people.this is where Satan comes in....many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many(i don't know when to stop)many,many,many,many,Christians worship idols...i don't wanna pock fun at churches and denominations so I'm not going to tell you which denomination groups do this,but most Christians pray to saints.others pray to marry,mother of Jesus....but i must warn you,they are wrong.a prayer is not just a thing that you get on your knees and pray,but it is also a type of worship. many Christians pray to saints,but that's also worshiping that saint.God made it clear like a million times in the bible that you should worship the Lord God Almighty alone.look at revelation 22:8-9; ---"....i fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.9)then saith he unto me,see thou do it not :for i am thy fellow servent,and of thy bretheren the prophets,and of them which keep sayings of this book:WORSHIP GOD."you see,john fell at the feet of an angel...and the angel rebuked him and commanded to worship God!!!!!!!!! I have known allot of people that pray to angels...they don't know that thy are not worshiping God but an angel...which is only a messenger of God.

  • the second type is like the most common type of idolatry...and it's right under your very nose.have you ever got a new ipod touch,your always on facebok,obsessed with tweeting,and you love those things so much that you would trade all you have to get the latest cell phone(that's why i got mine taken away)well,believe it or not,that is idolatry.when you get consumed in this world,and your always on face book(visit my face book,by the way)and you L-O-V-E it so much,that's's when you like something so much...that all of the sudden,you have replaced Jesus with a new cell me,it's not worth it.I was at school the other day 'till I over heard a normal girl was talking about clothes-then one of her friends asked,"how come all you care about is clothes"...her response was the most immature question I would ever hear..."what el's am i suppose to care about?"---WOW.'what els am i suppose to care about'-you probably know the answer to that-'Jesus christ',duhhhhh!that bloke,Jesus gave all he had...and she replaced him,God...Christ...Gods only son...for seems like she chose Las Vegas rather then about you?las Vegas or heaven?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

how do I join "United as One"?

want to become part of United as one?believe it or not,it's very simple as 1.2.3!this is very important because saten has an army and 1 vs,. 98,693,216,961,296,948,264,912,8618's not become a united as one member,you must first become a follower of this blog.if your not a follower yet and you want to become part of united as one,scroll down to the bottom of this blog and you should see a follower it...second,go back to this post and comment that you are a now part of united as one,and last,if you do not have a blog,create one and turn it in to a christian must contain contents such as how to be saved and other christian sermons....your blog must,must,must,have a post of the gospel...this should explain why Jesus came to earth,who he realy is,etc...your practicly preaching the gospel through the internet.

summery of how to be part of united as one:

  1. become a follower so I know who you are

  2. comment on "THIS POST "that you want to be part of UNITED AS ONE....

  3. create a blog and turn it into a christian blog that has sermons of the must have a post of the gospel.(it should look like this blog.
thank's time to become united...we have to tear the devils kingdon down!...N.o

want to be part of the crowed?(according to the bible)

all the most popular roll models go to parties and do stuff there not suppose to you ever think that the only way people is gonna like you if you do all those ungodly stuff?dont give in!those people may look happy,but most people who are involved often get depress and fell something missing in there lives.

you may get some advice from malachi 3:14-18.those who were doing wrong seemed to be having such great lives and the obedient to God always mourn all the time.but God does a distinction bettween the rightous & the wicked.he knows and remembers those who are faithful to him.

Do you want to be rememberd in 10(talking to teens)as a party girl(or guy)or a person who honored God?it's your's your choice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

spiritual warefare-how,when,where,& why

spiriual warefare-believe it or not,it goes around every day-look around-what do you see., might say just a plane old magazine laying around or a coke bottle-but its there-this spiritual warefare is in our minds.satan is trying to tempt us...satan tryed to tempt jesus in the desert...this proves that saten will try to tempt us....but we have to fight saten:

  1. why?-Because satan is the oppostie of christ...master deciever...king of lies...what God thinks is good,satan thinks its bad.the bible says that god made everything good...satan will try to make those good things to bad things.
  2. where?-this could happen any church,school,or at your own home.
  3. when?-this could happen any could even happen now.
  4. how?-satan will try to decieve you by advertising something thats BAD to make "look" GOOD...he will try to make something bad pleasing to the what he did to eve at the garden of eden.
we have to stop him and help others:

  1. why?-because if not,you and others are going to hell...satan is trying to drag people to hell with him.
  2. where?we should fight him any where...on the street,school,...just preach the gospel any where!
  3. when?we should fight saten NOW.lets not wait,because jesus is coming back and when he does,it will be too late.
  4. how?it doesn't matter how-facebook,myspace, long as your preaching the word,you have done your job.
satan will bring others to hell with him ,like i said several times,we have to stick United in spirit...and in bring down saten.this starts...NOW.

Can 'YOU' convince someone to be a christian?

Can you actualy convince someone to be a christian?after all,we are all united people of God.but can you-a human being-convince someone to turun to christ?

read this verse-(acts 16:11-15)therefore loosing from traos,we came with a straight course of samothrcia,and the next day to neapolis;12)and from thence to phellipi,which is the cheif city of that part of macedonia,and a colony:and we were in that city abiding certain days,13)and on the sabath we went out of the city bty a river side,where prayer was wont wont to be made;ans we sat down,and spake unto the women which resorted thiether.14)and a certen women named lydia,a seller of purple,of the city of thaytira,which worshiped God,heard us:whose heart the lord opened,that she attended unti the things which were spoken of paul.15)and she was baptized,and her hous hold...

it says the LORD opened her as a human cant convince any one to be a christian...only god...we are called to testify what god has done in our lives...we are called to tell the world that jesus saves....after that....let god do buisness...ley god open there heart.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

We are United as one

We are united as one.what do I mean when I say that we are all united as one?It's more then just being together as christians.This topic is not about the universal church of christ...i'm not only talking about apostolics,i'm talking about every christ jesus...our saviour...our god...the way...the truth...the matter what denomination-you could be catholic,baptist,meathodist,or even jehoveahs witness...this topic is about being together...IN CHRIST....any one can experiance a better way of life...of one can experiance this journey to a better could be buddest,muslum,atheist,or doesn't matter who you are or what you've done,this new life is for anyone who comes to Christ jesus and drink(john 7:37-39).each day this church grows,half dont even testify...thats the a church,we must preach that jesus lives...we must preach that jesus saves...we must preach that no one can go through the father but through the Lord Jesus Christ...showing people a better way of life-no matter who you are or what you have done-we are all in this together.....we are United...United we stand...We're United As One.....
become united...join united as one.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

gods thinking VS. mans thinking

do you think your such a know it make cool grades in school and always boast about it in someones face?thats your mind..your better is it then gods mind?beffore jesus died,a widow poured purfume on jesus...then judas escariot rebuked him and wanted to sell it for 300 peices of silver...thats mans thinking.thats us.some think they are smater then jesus...are you realy that smart?in the new testement,jesus called peter "saten"!...and he was an see,no matter who you can be the smartest person on earth,a preacher,revivelist,evengelist,or even a worship leader...your mind isn't compared to christ's.this is happening now...even to preachers.preachers are even rejecting baptism and others are excluding jesus name out of baptism...thats mans thinking.your not thats smart.

Friday, April 23, 2010

is jesus god?(warning:this may be too doctrinal,but i'm only trying to share my faith)

1 timothy 3:16 & john 1:1-14

is Jesus god?some say that he is only the son of god...a small person sent by god to do his will...but i believe(i dont know about you)that jesus is the very god himmself who existed through all eternity and who created the universe and died to save book of the gospel in the bible that explains to you that jesus is god is john...the gospel according to john.please read,if you have the time,the whole book of john.john makes sure you won't be confused.all the gospels tell you that jesus is the son of...yes,jesus is the son of god but he is also the very god himself.i believe this is very important because when you say that jesus is only a son of god and nothngells you are limmiting the very god himmself.john 1:1-14 explains to you that jesus was the word made flesh and he created the heavens and earth.also in 1 timtothy 3:16 -"and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:god was manifest in the flesh,justified in the spirit,seen of angels,preached unto the gentiles,believed on in the world,recieved up into glory.timothy said that "...GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH..."meaning god himself became visible to man!jesus also admited itin john 8:58-"jesus said unto them,verily,verily,i say unto you,before abraham was i am"-jesus admited it here that he is the "I AM".this was an old testiment name for god in exodus 3:14-I AM GOD said unto moses,I AM THAT I AM:and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of israel ,I AM hath sent me unto you."(exidus 3:14(kjv))3 times in this one verse did god say that he is I AM then hundreds years later,jesus said that he is I AM.I AM in hebrew "yahweh".saying that jesus is I AM(or yahweh)its saying that jesus,the very god himself has been i am with you...when you were born,he was I AM with you,when you were sad,jesus was I AM with you...thats the special thing about gid...he will never leave nor forsake.lets go back to the main psalm 23,king david explains that god is the sheperd and we are the sheep...that was in the old testiment..and in the new testiment,jesus declares that he is the sheperd and we know his voice...and we follow it.again,by saying this,jesus is declaring that he is god...the son of god...the very god himself.

i'm not trying to get too doctrinal and i'm certently not saying your denomination is wrong,but i believe jesus himself is the father,son,and holy ghost...i believe jesus admited that he was the father in john 14:8-9,14:20,12:30-38,i'm an apostolic and we apostolics believe in one god...its called the triune.
i know you might not believe this but i'm only sharing my faith.

but other denominations like baptists believe that jesus himself is god...but,still,no matter what denomination,you have to magnify god...jesus...dont limmit him...magnify him!

god bless!

saten in our churches

verse: revelation 2:1-29 & 3:1-22

these are 7 churches the bible describes that saten has messed might think that it was then..but its also now and we dont even know it.

the first church the bible says saten messed up was in ephesus-"...because thou hast left thy first love"-rev the church of ephesus,saten caused them to fall away from christ..they left there first love..which was jesus.saten closed there eyes to get consumed by this world...and began to love this world...and not jesus,the creator of this world.the second church was in smyrna,saten caused them to commite pergamos,they had people who still worship thyatira,there was a women who was a whore and the churh sufferd her...some even commited adultery with her.god was angry and punished her. sardis fell away from christ as well as philadelphia and laodicea.these all prove that saten is working in our churches.this is called a spiritual warefare...saten is trying to bring the church down but we have to fight him!put your full armor of god.have your helmet,your breast plate,your belt,your sword and fight saten.he is trying to decieve our churches...dont let him do what he did to the church of ephesus.he is mixing some other doctrine with jesus's doctrine to decieve you!dont let him do that.some churchs,even now,are falling away from christ.some churches are only there to please other people...most churches only think about there own pockets...they just want the church offering...most of the times they even try to decieve you,making you think that smoking is good and raping is not bad...thats how saten messes with our churches...choose a church that truely worships god...who truly fears christ.let the spirit choose the church.even though we have won this spiritual warefare saten still attempts to fight.we have already won.but still...stand up against saten:)

eternal security-is it fact or fiction

eternal security is a THEORY that someone can be save...and always be saved.its commonly known as the phrase "once saved,always saved".but thats not the question,the question it fact or FICTION.eternal security is supported by john 10:27-28"my sheep hear my voice and i know them and thay follow me.and i give unto them eternal life ;and they shall never perish,neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand"-but what if you stop following christ.jesus said you have to follow him then you can have this gift he offers...BUT WHAT IF YOU STOP FOLLOWING THE SHEPERD?in mathew jesus said YOU HAVE TO BE STIFF 'TILL THE END.jesus didn't say be stiff for 5 minuits and then go around killing people...he said 'TILL THE END'.this is obviously common sence...if you sin,you know what.i once heard a minister say that there is nothing he can do that can cause him to get lost...this brought me to this research.

"when the righteous turneth from his rightousenes and committeth iniquities,he shall even die thereby"-ezekiel 33;18.god made it clear that if you turn from your rightousens you will the new testiment jesus gave new commandments along with the 10 commandments...but guise what...commandments are meant to be fulfilled...they are meant to be want to know a doesn't take a ginuis to figure that out.

it is written many times in the bible to that if you turn away from your rightouseness you will die.but if you turn from your wickedness you will is wrong to preach "once saved always saved" because when people hear that they will become careless of there sins and go around following the devil.

...once saved is not always saved...eternal security---fiction:)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

(part 3)the last days---the tribulation preiod

after the raption,the tribulation will will last for seven years.this will be the most dramatic,terrifying period the worl will ever meet.during this time,god will pour out his wrath upon this planet.these events are described in revelation 6-19.this is the beggining if the day of the lord(1 thes 5;2)until the millennium.saten will also be unusualy active and his deception will center aroun 2 indeviduals...the antichrist is one of them.he will come with power trying to convince people(mostely jews)that he is the my knowledge,alot of people will like him...they will believ that he is a good man(but he is not).the second is the false prophet-also a deciever.this false prophet will perform miracles which will cause the world to worshp the antichrist...thats the bad part...'the one word religion-"sanitism"(people now days practice this religion)...any christian who doesn't bow to the antichrist willl be deciesed...meaning you will be it what ever.then comes the mark of the those times,there will be famines,death(obviosly),rumers of wars,and earth quakes.this is one reason you have to be you wont have to face this monstrous event.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

jesus is a 'motion activated god'

i was in the restroom the other day( i'm not gonna get personal)in a restrant and i was washing my hands,singing my ABC's then i turned to search for a paper towel and something caught my eye...there was a black box on the wall.coooooool!written on the box were 2 words... 'motion activate'....awsome!all i had to do was lift my hands and...there goes my paper towel!you know,in some resturants when you need the paper towel,you have to roll that lever and barely any paper towel comes out.but on this black box,all i had to do was lift my hand...and i get more then enough paper towels...notice i said MORE THEN ENOUGH.thats like jesus.jesus is a motion activated have to have motion to activate god.lifting your hands.praying.worshiping christ.dancing for christ.preaching the word.....those actions activate god!all you have to do is lift your hand and there goes your paper towel.lift your hand and there goes your blessings.lift your hand and there goes you grape fruit!

dont be ashamed about everyone els,some people are ashamed to activate god because of what the other people may think of you...well,guess what,if you dont have motion to activate god,then you dont have gods blessings...move!...move!...acivate god!let him pour out his blessings on church lift your church dance for church sing to jesus.dont mind the other people,just do it for the glory of god!amen.

dont be a lukewarm.get off your feet and worship christ for all he has done.for dying for us.for living a perfect life for us.for loving us...after all jesus has done,you can at least have motion.jesus is a motion activated cant activate him without motion.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

(part 2)the last days:the rapture

the word rapture comes from the greek word 'harpazo' which means to pull out.this is the beggining of the last days-we,believers,will be pulled out from this planet and meet christ in the skys(or heaven)-he will take both living and dead who has trust in christ(1 thes 4;17)this will be in a twinkle in a it can happen today,tommorrow,or in 5 seconds we will never know.when this happens the dead believers will rise first.the rapture will take place beffore the tibulation period.during the tribulation,god will pour his wrath on ths planet.there will be rumars of wars,earthquakes,etc.but us,(spiritualy)strong christians,god will deliver us fromthe wrath that is to came.we have to be ready,you dont have to be left behind.turn to christ beffore it is too late.beffore you will have to suffer gods wrath.beffore you will witness the got to be ready.NOW.not tomorrow,not 50 years from now,but now,here at this second.turn away from your filld with the holy on the name of the lord.repent.beffore ist is too is the time.we dont even knoew when the rature will take place,but all i can say got to be is the time.

***continue to part 3-the the last days:the tribulation.***

a doubtful step toward christ (DOUBT VS.SATEN)

2 kings 7;3-4---and there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate.and they said to one another ,why sit we here until we die? 4)if we say we will enter the city then the famine is in the city and we shall die;and if we sit still here, we die therefore come and let us fall unto the host of syrians:if they save us alive we shall live;and if they kill us we shall die also.

in this time,there was a famine in samaria.there were 4 leprous men who had no where to go...if they go into the city,they will die...but if they sit around doing nothing...they die also...naaaaa,you think!duh,they will die if they sit around!but that leaves them to one option...the enemys camp.they MIGHT save them.they MIGHT kill them.thats with people now days...they just sit around doubting jesus...its time to REVERSE DOUBT!people now days are like the 4 leprouse men.they just sit around waiting to die.they dont tend to go foreward.if you dont go foreward you will die.they dont tend to take a DOUBTFUL STEP TOWARD CHRIST!!!amen.people doubt that jesus is real,people doubt that there is a god.people,even christians turn to scientific theorys like"the big bang theory".now,its time to use doubt---satens weapon against saten itself.its time to fight fire with fire.DOUBT VS.SATEN!we have to think 'JUST MABE I TURNED TO CHRIST".have you ever heard a preacher say dont doubt?well,i'm gonna tell you to USE DOUBT...'just mabe'...a doubtful step toward christ is better then a simple step away from christ.when you take that step you may never know where your foot will land.dont sit around...go may never know what will think,'if i go foreward to christ he might kill me.but he might save least your going the right direction...toward know,saten is always there on your shoulders-when you doubt that jesus is real,he is there saying-"you go buddy,Yea,doubt! doubt!"use his weapon against saten-think"but JUST MABE"..."i became a christian...just mabe i was baptized in jesus name...just mabe i was filled with the holy ghost...just mabe... then in verses 6 through 7,the enemy camp began to hear cheering,hores,and SWORDS and they ran away like a bunch of sissys---because of what they THOUGHT they heard.dont be like them.take that doubtful step toward christ-you may think he will kill you and slaughter you..but he might save you(he will save you)...dont run away because of what you THOUGHT you heard...take that doubtful step toward christ.use doud vs. saten

Friday, April 16, 2010

[part 1]---the last days:the antichrist

for a while here,i'm gonna talk about the last days of man do you think the world would end?global warming?global cooling?a new ice age?2012?these are the main questions that goes through peoples mind.but people dont tend to look in a place where it has the full description...the holy the bible'last days' is very broad one.for instence,hebrews 11:1-2,it tells us that man kind has been living in "the last days". 1 john,john describes the last days as the last hour. one of the characteristics of the last hr. is the revealing of the antichrist which is to come.since the antichrist will be in control during the tribulation period,we have realized that the last days will last 'till after the tribulation period. what exactly is an antichrist?well,its exactly how is sounds- 'anti' plus 'christ'-other words,he will come and say that he is the christ-to my knowledge,he will be a man of power.thats why most of the jews in jesus time didn't believe that jesus was the christ-because he was a carpenter...a man without power and authority(jesus did have power but the jews concluded he was possessed by demons)the antichrist will come as a man with power-he's objective is to decieve people.he will do many miracles and be approved by the jews,saying"this man is the christ"-but jesus warned us that many will come in his name.many will decieve many.many will be false prophets.jesus also warned that if someone says that christ is over there,dont is not christ.the antichrist will decieve many-dont be fooled. this is part 1,for more please continue to "part 2-the last days,the rapture."

its not a joke!

the world has changed and more and more people start to think jesus is a joke.i was listening to a comedian on the radio a while back and i noteced he couldn't find a good he made one up...about jesus.this realy sickens me because jesus isn't a joke.most people now days like to throw jesus like a ragg dole...jesus isn't a type of god you can mess around with.even popular TV shows joke around with christ such as the show 'family guy' and 'the simpsons'.jesus is not a rag dole you can just mess around with...with out christ you would be paying the price that you owe is very immatuer to think jesus is a joke.thats puting gods name in is wrong.even people who say they are christians say jokes about jesus...many teens in my school who say they are christians make jokes about jesus.JESUS IS NOT A JOKE.
i dont care if people think he ain't real or if he is not christ...but jesus isn't a joke.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

homossexuality is just plain gross and wrong(according to the bible)

somepeople now days ask is it ok to be gay or not?---NOT, stupid can gay people be?there are a lots of stuff said about this subject.just because jesus said to love all people doesn't mean you can be genises cnapter 1 god created male and female-theres nothingels added to it-THERE IS NO 3RD KIND-only man and female-he did it for a reason-so we can multiply.GOD DOES NOT APPROVE OF A HOMOSEXUALITY LIFESTYLE ANYWHERE IN THE BIBLE.THAT ALSO MEANS HE DOES NOT APPROVE IT HERE AT PRESESNT TIME.IN FACT,God makes it clear that it is sinful(leveticus 18;22.20;13,romans 1;26-27)have you ever heard of the true story of sodom & gamora?back in the times of abraham(from the bible),God had to burn those citys because off there homosexuality.this does not only proves that god judges but it also proves that god hates homosexuality.

p.s-gay people are after fire-from HELL...dont be gay.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

love---we need it,duhhh!

verse-1 corinthians 13;1-13 read 1 corinthians 12;1-11 first.if you read it,there is a whole bunch of cool super powers given by the holy,read 1 coritnthians 13;1-13.there is a gift more powerful then those other may be popular and all that and you might even speak in tongues might be missing something.something very i was a child i thought i had everything-but i lacked one 1 corinthians 13;2,paul explains to us that without love you are nothing.and in verse 8,he says that love never fails-huh???...whats the big deal with this love issue?well,this love paul is talking about isn't that kind of love you feel(even though you also need this love,but you get the point)read 1john 4;7-21 the diciple john explains to us that jesus tells us to love one another...but john also says that god is love!jesus himmself is love!in 1 corinthians 13;8,paul was actualy saying that jesus never fails.without jesus you are nothing.paul tells us that tongues will cease and people will stop prophesising but love...jusus...will never fade away.jesus is the same yesterday,today,and forever-jesus will never change-thats the special thing about this type of love-because it never changes.have love.

Friday, April 9, 2010

the power of faith-you can move mountains

verse-mark 11;20-26

read this this verse,peter saw the tree which jesus commanded not to bear fruit wither away(read mark 11;12-14)-this was immposable-peter in his mind was thinking "how could this be?"in verse 22,jesus said have faith in god.and in verse 23 jesus said that with faith(and no doubt at all)you can move mountains-so technicly he was saying that with faith...nothing is imposable.if your grandmother is gonna die because of a realy rae cancer-with faith and when you pray for her,there will be no sign of cancer.if you have type 2 diebetes,if you pray and have faith,you wont have direbetes anymore.thats the power of faith.verse 24 says "therefore i say unto you,what things soever ye desier,when ye pray,believe that ye recieve them,and ye shall have them"

*when you pray-have faith,duhhh!!-and the immposabe will be the possable.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

a simple way to overcome temptation


do you want a simple way to resist temptation??one that will ALWAYS work.its laid right here at 1 corinthians 10;13.with every temptation,god provides a way think those words;a way to escape.a way out of that black,deep tunnel.lets say that some freinds are gossiping about one of your freinds.,and you have something juicy to add.what a temptation,would you think?so you get up and leave!or some other guys are bandilizing the school just turn around and leave(or at least tell the administrator about the guy whos bandilizing the hallways)the best way out of temptation is to get out of the situations where you feel tempted........ans stay out,duhhhh.

sex before merrage-does god approve it?

now days,alot of people are having sex beffore they are 1 thessolonians 4;3-8.the apostale paul explains that we're to live in order to please god.going around having sex does not please god!thats why h.i.v and aids are spreading around now days.god doesn't want his children having sex beffore merrage-period!you must save this gift-thats why god said"go and multiply"in genesis chapter one.if what you realy want to do is not holy,honoroble,and pleasing to god,dont do it~!try listing things that are not pleasing to god-and make a commitment to avoid them-jesus said you must deny yourself and carry your cross.dont go to parties where they will be FORCING you to drink beer and having sex.this will help you succeed in your commitment.

did you know monkeys can't be potty trained?but everybody learn to control those funtions.people can also be in control of sexual urges.Jesus says to learn to control your body..that pleases him...not having sex at will also keep your life,well...simpler.about 87% of teens that have sex beffore they are married end up getting pregnent and dropping out of school to take care of the child.thats means no education-no college-and not a good job.i know alot of people through the past who were sorry for doing sexual things.-dont be one of them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the true church

what(or who)is the church?a building?well,not exactly because the word chuch was used many times in the bible in the book of acts,but there were no church buildings back then for nearly 300 years-so,what is 'the church'??...the church is us...the family of christ...those who believe in jesus and who gather to worship him.this is called the holy universal church(according to the apostales creed)-we are a royal preist hood,a chosen generation...thats whats so special about this church....because we are chosen of the book of john,jesus said that even if you dont now him,he has chosen you to bare good fruit.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the 3 groups of people

verses john 12;37-44

in this verse,it mentions 3 types of this verse,some people wont believe 'till after jesus has done some miracles(john 12;37).again,many believed but didn't tell anyone.then,other,like the disciples for example,believed and were eager to say they were followers of jesus christ.-which group are 'you' part of?

*secret believer
*open beleiver

in some weird way,both unbelievers and believers are being honest(but the unbeliever still dont know the truth)-the secret believer,however,isn't being honest.he/she dont want anyone to know that they are christians.but,it is great to be an open believer who testifys about gods love and cares about what god thinks and not man.
we should not mind what people think-try praying in school-how about before you eat lunch-those weirdos who dont care about god isn't emphisising the truth.dont mind them...its like what thats song says,by dc talk;

"what will people think when they find out i'm a jesus freak what will people do when they find out its true,i dont realy care if there not gonna care be a jesus freak, there not emphisising the truth..."(jesus freak)

walk on water...and simply have faith!!

verse; mathew 14:22-36

*i hope your familiar with the story of when jesus walked on water.there's more to that then jesus walking on water.

on verses 30 peter stood on the water with jesus-but he began to sink.

its like that now days-the water is your problem and the stong wind thats blowing(verse 30) is the devil.if your life is falling apart,what should you do?when you have alot of problems,what should you do?dont worry about the strong winds,just walk on water!walk on your problems and look to jesus.some people just look to the right or to the left-but the dont look to jesus who is standing right in front of you-have faith.

thats why jesus said,"o thou of little faith"(verse 39)when peter began to sink.dont drown in your problems,just walk on your problems and simply have...FAITH!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

why is recieving the holy ghost important?

verse;--john 3;5
romans 8;1-17

why is recieving the holy ghost immportant?take a look a john 3;5-it says that you have to be born of the water-baptism,and of the spirit-baptism of the holy spirit or you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.
you have to be baptized in jesus name first of all-then you have to recieve the holy ghost!

read romans 8;1-14(KJV)-

"there is therefore now no condemnation unto them which are in christ jesus,who walk not after the flesh,but after the spirit.for the law of the spirit of kife in christ jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.for what the could not do,in that it was weak through the flesh,god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh,and for sin,condemned sin in the flesh:that the rightousness of the law might be fullfilled in us,who walk not after the spirit.for they that are in the fkesh do mind the things of the flesh;they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit.FOR TO BE CARNALLY MINDED IS DEATH;BUT TO BE SPIRITUALY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE.because the carnal mind is enmity against god:for it is not subject to the law of god,neither indeed can be.SO THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD.but ye are not in the flesh,but inthe spirit,if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you.NOW IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRT,HE IS NONE OF HIS.and if christ be in you ,the body is dead because of sin;but the spirit is life because of rightousness.but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you,he that raised up jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you.therefore brethren,we are debtors,not to the flesh,to live after the flesh.for if ye live after the flesh,ye shall die:but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds,ye shall live.for as many are led by the spirit of god,they are the sons of god."

it says that we have to live after the spirit and not after the flesh.verse 9 says that if you do not have the spirit you do not belong to christ and in verse 14 says that those who have the spirit are the sons of god!if you want to be a child of god you have to be baptized in jesus name FIRST-then you have to pray for the spirit-say,LORD I WANT YOUR GREAT HOLY SPIRIT-and when you recieve the holy spirit you WILL talk in a heavenly language that only god can understand!amen!halllelua!!!you have to recieve this gift!you have to be a child of god!-when you recieve this gift you will think what the spirit thinks-verse 8 says that the flesh(which is your self)cannot please god-other words a bag of cocain cannot please god!a bag of weed cannot please god!gambling cannot please god!!!verse 6 says that the carnal mind IS DEATH!!!!!!!!and verse 7 says the carnal mind is enity AGAINST GOD.beffore, you will be going to a bar 24 hours a day getten drunk but when you recieve the holy spirit,when your born of the will say I HAD ENOUGH WITH THIS BOTTLE OF BEER,I HAD ENOUGH WITH THE DEVIL,AND I WILL TURN TO JESUS,I WILL WORSHIP HIS WONDERFUL NAME,AND I AM HIS CHILD-HALLELUA.
WHEN YOUR FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST YOU WONT BE YOUR SELF NO MORE...YOU WILL BE A NEW PERSON,you will be a new creature!!!!!!!!!!!!verse 13 says that if you live after the flesh you WILL DIE-AND THATS NOT A THREAT,THATS A PROMISE!it says if you live after the spirit you shall live!

keep praying for the spirit

are YOU spiritualy mature

are you spiritualy matuer-a TOTAL believer-i have alot of freinds who doubt god's word-some only believe in SCIENTIFICLY proven stuff-thats being IMMATURE!to be spiritualy mature,you must believe on god's word'S'-notice i said wordssss-not word-by this i mean you must believe on every word of god-by doing this you you have become spiritualy mature-take a look at genieses chapter one-some people dont believe this-some believe in the big bang theory-and some dont even believe that we were even created-that we've been here all along.-thats being spiritualy immature!us,believers,belive this because of our faith-most things in the bible has no evedence-but because of our faith we beleive what we believe-jesus will test if your mature or immature-he will test your FAITH.

the true deffinetion of faith

what does faith realy mean-beleiving without seeing?-if that were the case then that would mean that saten has faith as well-so thats not the complete deffination of faith-
john 3;16-for god so loved the worled that he gave his only beggotin son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
'believe in' is deffrent then believing.
to "believe in" means to put your trust in jesus-knowing that when everything falls apart he will take care of you...he will never leave you...HE will never forsake you!
you have to put your every trust in,as christians,means puting your trust in god.

for example,if a circus performer was about to walk a tightrope stretched over niagra falls.he asked the large crowed "who believes i can carry a 896 pound man across my back without falling?!?!"---one guy says "i do"-then another.the performer said "all right!!!!"-he pointed at the 896 pound volunteer...but he ran away!he was scared!he believed the performer but he didn't believe IN the performer.

to belive in jesus christ means trusting ourselves to him completely!to "believe in"what the bible says means we rely on jesus's word so completly that we build our lives on its doctrine.

the resurrection of the body

the first specific teaching of the resurrection of the body was found in daniel 12;2.there the bible says that 'those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life,and some to shame and everlasting contempt".
it's much clearer in the new testiment,where we're promised that when jesus returns,believers will be raised from the dead to meet jesus in the air forever(1 thes 4;13-18)
of course,the thing we want to know is what our resurrected bodies would look like.will people have all diffrent hights and weights?
even though those questions arn't answerd directly,the bible tells us a lot about our resurrection bodies in 1 corinthians 15.our bodies will be raised in glory and our weaknesses will be replaced with "power"(verse 43).and the best news of all is that our resurrection bodies will"bear the image of the heavenly."
you can be sure the resurrection body of jesus was the best that god could possibly invent.and your resurrection body will be like his-the best god can possibly prove!

test your bible knowledge!

how well do you know the scriptures?-good luck!
1.what doesn't god look at? many wise men,or magi,came to see jesus when he was born?
3.who was given the keys of the kingdome of heaven?
4.what are those keys?
5.when is it better to be poor than rich?
6.what strange weapon did shamgar use to fight the philistines?

1.evil-because his eye are too pure(habakku 1;13) one knows because the bible doesn't say!(2;1-12)
3.peter(matt 16;18019)
4.the gospel message.
5.when you have to do wrong to get rich(proverbs 28;6) ox goad-a long stick with a metal point-usualty used to guid oxen(judges 3;31)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

are abortions right or wrong?(according to the bible and scientific facts)

are abortions right or wrong?


as christaians,yes we are called to live by laws of man BUT we are also called to live by GODS laws as well-that is more important then the laws of man.

some people deffend abortion because they say its part of a womens body and they can do what ever they want with it-WRONG!each cell in your living body has your own genetic stamp.from the moment the sperm meets the egg,the cell carry there own genetic code-so,technicly,its not part of a womens body.

the old testiment laws said that if anyone kills an unborn child,compesation should be paid.the unborn child was seen as more than just an extension of the womens body(exodus 21;22-23)

us,as christians,the issue is clear-according to the scriptures,god formed you in the womb and prepared you for your life even before you were born(jeremiah 1;5).god carefully molded you from the moment of conception(psalm 139;16).the unborn(the zygote in science terms) are individuals known by one has the right to destroy them...but God.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


blessed is the king of israel that cometh in the name of the lord.-john 12:13

the simple truth

for god-the lord of earth and heaven,so loved-and longed to see forgiven,the world-in sin and pleasure mad,that he gave-the greatest gift he ever had,his only beggotin son-to take our place,that whosoever-oh,what grace!-believeth-placing simple trust,in him-the rightous and the just,should not perish-lost in sin,but have everlasting life---in him.

threefold source of darkness

the 3 fold source of darkness was revealed in the first temptation of man-in the garden of eden.there are 3 common sins thats happening now-it started at genisis 3;6

1;lust of the flesh(gen 3;6)-"good for good"

2;lust of the eyes-"pleasent to the eyes"_gen 3;6(this includes pornography)

3:pride of life-"disired to make one wise"-(gen 3;6)

these 3 places are our weak points-saten can easily attack us through these areas-remember'las vegas or heaven'-you choose-also remember to deny your self and take up your cross.
god bless,and take care-dont let saten play you like that-turn to jesus.

dont give up...keep praying

verse;luke 18;1-8

have you ever heard of the parable of the widow and the judge??the widow kept on going to the judge who didn't fear god.she wanted to bring justice against her adversery.the judge kept on ignoring her...every single day she would bug about her adversery and how she wanted him thrown into prison!!then...finaly he decided it was the last straw!!he was so annoyed that he finaly gave her what she wanted...

this is the same thing with god...some people would just give up on god just because one prayer wasn't answerd.we cant just pray one time and if your prayer is not answerd you can give up on god-NO!-we have to keep on praying the same thing-what you truly desire-jeus said ask and it shall be given!if someone you love is gonna die because of cancer-dont just pray one time-pray everyday 'till your prayer is answerd.thats what i did to recieve the holy took me 5 months of prayer!then,in march 13,2010-i recieved the spirit and spoke in an heavenly language i didn't understand(see acts 2;1-6)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

life's shadows

why do fears overtake me,when life's darkness begins to fall?for if i listen carefully,'tis then,i hear god's call.never will you be left alone,so rest peacefully this nigh.and with that thought i'll go to sleep;reassurance replaces fright.the moon and starlight never ceace to remind us of his care.the heavens declare his glory.his mercy is everywhere.let no more doubts or fear arise when the shadows of life grow longer.jesus carries us in our weakest moments to make our faith grow stronger.


crucifixion was one of the most cruel and barbarios forms of death known to man.

the details of the crucifixion of christ are passed over,the evangelist resting content with the simple statement"crucify him"(matt 27;35)following his trial before the jewish & roman authorities,he was led forth for crucifixion.preparator to the action ordeal itself,he was scourged.the prisoner was bent over,tied to a post,while the lictor applied blow upon his bared back with a lash made with bones and steel.this,its self cause death.

what was the phisical reason for christs death?when a person is suspended by his 2 hands,the blood sinks rapidly into the lower extremites of the body.within 6 to twelve min,the blood pressure dropped 50%.death to crucifixion is due to heart failure.death was hastend by the breaking of the legs



verses;mark 16;16,matt 28;19

----we have to be jesus witness
----preach the gospel is a command;we have to evangelise!!!!
matt 28;19-"go ye therfore,and teach all nations,baptizing tham in the name of the father,and of the son,and of the holy ghost!"

"go" in matt 28;19 is not only a command but also an on going commision.the greek verb "go" translated meant "while you are going,make disciples"-we HAVE to preach the gospel...especialy to those who have not heard this most powerful message-we should be more like...billy graham,who's one of the worlds greatest evangelest---there is no other great message.

jesus died

jesus did not die to make us feel good and satisfied or that we should become spiritualy lazy!his body was broken for our healing;his blood was shead on calvary for our salvation.this transparency may be used at this time.
christ---strength for our journy

Friday, March 26, 2010

christ...the very first fruit

jesus is the first fruit.
what is a 'firstfruit'??it refers to a feast in the old testiment(lev23;10-11).the sheaf was waved to jesus in this life(eph 1;19-20).he gave us the same spirit that raised christ from the dead!!(romans 2;23),and gods special gift of his spirit is life...not death!by gods spirit,he re-newed us with a new birth!!in this birth,sin has been destroyed.even though our spirit has recieved life,we have to wait 'till that day come when we are raised from the dead(thes 4;13-18)jesus was the first one...he was the "first fruit of the same harvest"-his death wasn't just an was a promise that we will also be raised from the dead.jesus will come for the rest of the harvest.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

phrase of the day

the fool has said in his heart that there is no gog.they are corrupt,they have done abminable works,there is none that does good.---psalm 14;1(nkjv)

Friday, March 19, 2010

in the light,by dc talk(also sung by toby mac)

i keeep trying to find a life,on my own apart from you,i am the king of excuses,i've got one for every selfish thing i do

tell me what's goiing on inside of me,i despise my own behavior,this only serves comfirm my own suspicion that i'm still a man in need of a savior.

(chorus)-i wanna be in the light as you are in the light,i wanna shine like a star in the heavens!oh,lord be my life light and be my salvation,'cause all i whant is to be in the light

honesty become me,there's nothing to lose,the secrets that did run me,in your presscenced are defused,pride has no position,and riches have no worth,the frame that once did cover me,has been sentenced to this earth,has been sentenced to this earth!!

tell me what going on inside of me,i despise my own behavior,this only serves to confirm my suspicion,that i'm still a man in a need of a savior!!!


thateres no other place that i want to be,no other place that i can see,a place to be thats right,someday i'm gonna be in the light,you are in the light,thats were i need to be,thats right were i need to be.

***1 john 1;5-10-"...god is light and in him is no darkness AT ALL..."

hosanna,by hillsong united

i see the king of glory,coming on the clouds with fire the whole world shakes,the whole world shakes!

i see a generation,rising up to take their place,with sefless faith,with selfless faith,i see a near revival stirring as we pray and seekwe're on our knees,we're on our knees
hosana,hosana,hosana in the highest(2)
heal my heart and make it clean,open up my eyes to the things unseen,show me how to love like you have loved me
break my heart from what breaks yours,everything i am for your kingdoms causee,as i go from nothing to...eternity!
hosana,hosana,hosana in the highest(2)
hosana in the highest.

***this is my favorite song in the whole WORLD.hillsong united is a great band,they come here,in memphis,sometimes .they are awsome...check out there cool album 'together'.***

is god still blessinng the united states?

is god still blessing the united states?you might say yes,but this secret will shock you.i did a little experiment and compared u.s to isreal from back in the biblical times and we,the united states citezens,are not so deffrent!

isaiah 9:11----9/11(september 11,2001), right?terrorism.

exodus13;1-16----babys are dying,infant mortality rate going lower...and i'm not talking about abortions.

exodus 9;1-12---needs such as cattle are dying,about 200,000 cattle a year...and thats only dairy products

exodus 9;13---weather,hurricanes...remember Hurricane Katrina?

there are too much evedence that god is pulling his hand away from us.i live here in the united states and there are too much signs...

but why??look around:




*theres no more prayers in schools

*killng innocent people

*husbands cheating on there wifes.



*children abuse


*alcohole abuse

*invasion of atheists



the united ststes got blessed because our leaders feard and respected god.if you look on the back of a one doller bill,you will find a statement,'in god we trust'.how can you use something that has "in god we trust"for stuff like porn.about 130,000,000 are spent for porn.check out this out line below.

money(in god we trust)---gambling---alcohole abuse---pornography---prostetution---killing---GODS JUDGEMENT,'HELL'!

we are puting gods name to shame as a nation.---what shall we do?preach the gospel(matt 28;19)!!tell them about god,tell them that thay are on there way to hell,abdn if they dont repent and fear...they WILLgo to hell,the lake of fire,burning with brimstone!we,as a nation should turn to christ---or the worse is still to come!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

warning to all believers who read the word of god.

thank you,sincerily;GUY-with-GLASSES

about the apostles creed

this ancient stsement of faith transcends various denominational differences and high lights the core truths of faith that all christians,no matter what denomination,believe in.this creed has stood the test of time,is easy to remember and is used world wide.

the apostles' creed unifies us all as believers;it helps us to remember what christians aroud the world believe and agree upon,and it equips us to fight the questions and challenges to our faith.

the apostles creed

i beliieve in god,the father almighty,creator of heaven.

i believe in jesus christ,his holy son,our lord,who was conceived by the holy spirit,born of the virgin mary,sufferd under pontius plate,was crucified,died,and was buried.on the third day he rose again,he ascended into heaven,is seated at the right hand of the father,and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

i believe in the holy spirit,the holy universal church,the communion of saints,the ressurection of the body,and the life everlasting. amen.

global warming.....realy??

do you honestly think that the world would end by a big hole in the atmosphere sun burning us to death? caps would melt and flood the earth?...or a huge meteior slaming to earth and we all die?...those theorys are there to test your faith.jesus promised his return...the bible says its immposible for god to lie!we would be raptiond-the anti-christ will righn-the dead will rise!how could you even say that the world woud end in 2021---the bible says that the earth will melt---i believe thats from a super nova.

9 supernatural gifts of the holy ghost

tongues is not the only gift of the holy ghost...there are 9 gifts;

(1 corinthians 12)





*working miracles

*prophecy-knowing the future

*discernig of spirits-knowing if someone has a bad spirit or a good spirit


*interpretation of tongues

these are the powers of the holy spirit;the bible says in verse 31 that we have to EAGERLY disire these gifts!you have to pray for it and eagerly desire a gift(mark 11:24) could choose from haeling to telling the future!you need these gifts not to play with them like a toy,but to fight the devil PHISICLY!satan has power-its going on in this world right now...even in haiti...theres voodoo,fortune tellers,there every where!lets take voodoo for example,if a voodooist place a curse on you,with the gift of working miracles you can stop the curse!!!satan wont always fight you by tempting you,no,he can fight you phisicly and KILL have to be filled with the spirit first.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

steps to recieving the holy ghost

***1st,you gotta be baptized in jesus name.

*know its the will of god for you to be filled with the holy spirit-john 7;38-39

*obey the word of god with a willing heart-acts 2;38

*ASK for the spirit-luke 11;9-13

*pray sisncerily for the spirit.-mark 11;24

*allow others to pray with you,exercising the practice of "lay on hands"!!acts 19;1-6

*believe you will recieve the promise-gal 3;2,11-14

*praise the lord with all your heart for the promise of his presence in your life!!!!!!!!!luke 24;49-53

*expect the spirit to falll any time-acts 10;44-48

*SPEAK!!!!!!-ACTS 2;4!!!!

is it immportant to be baptized by the holy spirit?evidence by tongues?

do we have to be filled with the holy spirit??well,thats gods will!!!

"in the last day,that great day of the feast,jesus stood and cried,saying,'if any man thirst,let him come unto me and drink.

he that believeth on me,as the scripture hath said,out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

(but this spake he of the spirit,which they that believe should recieve...)-john 7:37-39

jesus whants You to be filled with this spirit.acts 2;1-6 said they SPOKE in other tongues...i too spoke in this heavenly language!romans 8;9 says that if you dont recive the spirit then you dont belong to him!!romans 8;14 says those who recieve the spirit are the sons of god...when you recieve the spirit you will become a child of god...and you too can speak in this heavenly language!

steps to salvation

here are the steps to salvation

1)have faith,believe that jesus died and rose from the dead-trust in god.

2)believe that there is only one god.

3)repent to jesus-true repentence...turn away from sin

4)confess with your mouth that jesus is lord & saviour

5)be baptized in jesus name.

6)be filled with the holy ghost.


more then 10 commandments?

did you know that there is more than 10 commandments?when jesus came to earth he gave NEW commandments!

here are some of JESUS'S COMMANDMENTS:

1)"the things i write to you are the commandments of the lord"-(paul said)1 cor 14;37"
2)love thy god with all thy heart and all your soul.
4)be born again
5)let people see your good works
6)what ever cause sin...get rid of it!
7)do not swear oaths
8)turn the other on the cheek
9)give what people ask for-give more than whays required
10)love your enemys
11)give to the poor to please god
12)pray PRIVATLY-dont be a hypocrite.
13)make your prayers like the lord's
14)fast secretly
15)store up your treasures in heaven
16)do not worry 'bout material needs.
17)do not worry about the future.
18)put god first
19)do not judge but only according to the bible
20)do not give holy things to dogs
21)ask god what you whant
22)provide the poor and homeless
23)fallow the NARROW path of life.
24)beware of false prophets
25)practice power over demons
26)love lil children
27)do not call your self 'master' or 'father'...not as daddy but as creater of all living things.
28)resolve disputes in an orderly way
29)do not oppose other believers who are not in your group
30)have total faith in god.
31)be a good samaritan
32)love other people as your self
33)do holy communion in remebrence of christ
34)be humble
35)be merciful

***after christ's death & ressurection***

36)go,teach all nations BAPTIZING THEM.
39)be filled with the holy spirit.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

water baptism-is it nessesery-why and how?

water baptism-why do people do it?in what name should you be baptised in?thats a very good question...and also a very immportant question.this was the last message preached by the lord jesus christ(matt 28;19)-this was also the first message preached by the apostales-"then peter replied,repent and be BAPTIZED 'EVERYONE' of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remmision of your sins,and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost"-acts 2;38.but how?immersion or sprinkling?"they both went down into the water"acts 8;38-"they came up out of the water"-acts 8;39-"we are buried with him in baptism"-"we have been planted together"-romans 6;4-5...all this verses prove that we have to be IMMERSED!-the word baptism come from the greek word 'baptizo'which means to the question is-is baptism immportant to salvation-YES IT IS!!!!it was an immportant command from jesus christ himself!!!!!!!!!"HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS'BAPTISED' SHALL BE SAVED:BUT HE THAT BELIVETH NOT SHLL BE DAMNED."-MARK 16;16.some of my freinds say that its not immportant-well according to the bible it is!the next question is-in what name should you be baptised in??in the name of the father,son & holy ghost or in the name of jesus christ??ACTS 2;38, 8;16, 10;48, 4;12, AND COL 3;17 all prove that you should be baptised in JESUS NAME-why not in the name of the father,son,and holy ghost...did the apostales disobey jesus-no,jesus is the father,son,and holy ghost!jesus himself said that he was the father-JOHN 10;30 AND ALSO IN JOHN 10;38!IF JESUS IS THE FATHER HIMSELF THEN THE SPIRIT IS IN HIM-ALL TOGETHER YOU GET ONE GOD!god himself in the old testoment said that there is no other god beffore him!the apostals understood that jesus is the father,son,& holy spirit so they didn't disobey

p.s-grace be with you all,gods mercy endurith forever.

who is christ(for non-christians)

refer to the bible;matt,mark,luke,and jhon,

who is christ?a prophet?an angel?back in the time of kallinos,the earliest songwriter,there was once a man named isaiah-with god's help he prophesied that a son would be born-this was about 700 years before the roman empire and beffore christ was born..700 years later a child was born-his name was jesus,he was immanual-he CLAIMED to be the son of god.he was the messiah-the christ.he was born of the virgen marry.this man healed the lame,turned water in to wine,walked on water,gave sight to the blind,and cast away demons!!he was rejected and was was all for a reason!it was for US-he was pursecuted,was whiped,and was nailed to the cross!that through him we might be saved!he took your place-it wasn't his hands that were gonna be peirced-it was yours,it was supposed to be you up on that cross-both me and you-his blood washed our sins away-what a great thing he has done.after his death,on the 3rd day he rose up from the dead!!!!he wants us to be fishers of men-he wants us to follow him,hallelua!later he dessended up to heaven-this man...IS GOD HIMSELF...HE CAME TO DIE FOR US...NOT FOR THE BUGS,NOT FOR THE TREES,BUT FOR US-HE TOOK MY PLACE!the bible says in deuteronomy,"god will curse those who are hanged,"-god was cursed and it was supposed to be you not god-back in the times of moses they were killing lambs for our sins but it wasn't working-god had to do it."...god will provide himself..."-gen 22;8
p.s-this was proven historicly,it was written in all the roman documents.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

the devils' attacks & gods test

lemme ask you something-will god forsake you?some people belive that god can forsake you but according to the apostal paul he wont!some people think that because there lives fall apart that means you can give up on god-thats wrong!read acts 16;16-33,paul and silas were imprisoned but they didn't give up on god.verse 25 says they SANG PRAISES to god!-the devil attacked them but they didn't surrender!same thing for us...the devil will attack you but you have to put your whole armor of god(ephisians 6;11)!but one question remains-why will god let satan attack someone he loves?-the bible tells us that its a test from god!god WILL test you by letting the devil attack you-he can attack you phisicly,moraly,or simply tempt us-thats the trap-you have to resist temptation(james 1;2-18)-and when he does think...heaven or las vegas?????

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

what is a pentecostal??!

when my eyes were opened,he led me to become a "pentecostal'.most people never heard of a pentecostal beffore.i wanna make this clear what exactly a pentecostal cannot be found in most dictionaries.first of all we are named after the word "pentecost"which is a day for the the bible its the day the followers of christ were filled with the holy ghost.all you have to do is add "al" and you get "pentecost-al".we belive in god obviosly.we believe in the father which is a spirit(jhon 4;24.he is the first,the last,and beside him there is no other god(isaiah 44;6 &43;10)we belive in the son who is the son of god according to the flesh(romans 1;3),christ (matt 16;16);the creator of all things(col 1;16-17 &jhon 1;1-16) and the father him self(jhon14;7-11 & jhon 10;30)and we believe in the holy ghost.we belive that water baptism is important to salvation through immersion in jesus name(mark 16;16,matt 19;20,acts 2;38)we believe that you have to be immersed(baptism come from the greek word "baptizo"which means to immersed.also see acts 8;38-39)in JESUS NAME(ACTS 2;38 & 4;12).we also belive the "baptism of the holy ghost"with evidence of spoken in deffrent tongues(language)-in this present time!in my church allot of people speak in this heavenly language.even my mom.(joe; 2;28-29,isaiah 28;11,acts 2;1-4)if you follow christ and is baptised in his name you can have this gift...pray and let others such as preachers and ministers pray over you by "laying on hand"(acts & 2 corinthians)...we belive that its important to recieve the holy spirit(romans 8;1-17 & jhon7;38-39)-other than thoughs doctrinal stuff,we believe in what many christians believe-i belong to the fountain of truth church over at memphis,TN at glad to be a church dude.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

how it all started

how did i become a christian?well,it was late dad was a christian but i wasn't.well...god did a great thing....she made my mom sick...she had cancer...thats what i was told.i was only 13 and i didn't know much about was led to only 1 option...rely on god.i prayed hard and he answerd my faith became strong and in 11/15/09...i was baptized in the name of jesus provider...and the author of my salvation and faith.hallelua

jesus freak

hi!i am a young jesus freak who is in love with jesus!!i wasn't a christian all my life and i used to be an atheist but jesus opend my eyes...later i became a believer and was baptized in jesus name!i began preaching in bible studies and now i learn more about god ever day...i love my nem chistian life...praise the lord.

my favorit music is christian music-obviously-from tobymac,matt redmen,hillsong,stephine curtis chapman...ever artis who is in love with christ...hallelua(thats my favorite word)

About Me

My photo
memphis, tennessee, United States
hey,i am one of those ordinary apostolic jesus freaks who likes to do random worshiping jesus,duaaa!!!. was baptized in jesus name in 11/15/09.despite my young age,i also preach(not every sunday).i preach for my youth group and try hard for other people to be baptized.i love talking about jesus christ,and stuff.i love hillsong,which is an awsome band-i practicly love listening to christian music.please visit my blog sometime,its called United As One-it has cool sermons,some christian song lyrics,and a whole bunch of other christian stuff.the web site is '

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