Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keep shooting.

My topic today is...excuses.lets get something straight,whats an excuse?well,first,let me tell you what "sin"means first:

  • Sin-it comes from a Hebrew word that's means to miss the mark.
  • Excuse-an excuse means to tell WHY you missed the mark.
Look at Genesis chapter 3-your probably  familiar with this true story-when Eve was tempted in the garden-Satan did tempt Eve and Adam-that's when the world of excuses came about.when Adam and Eve realized that they were naked,God said-"why have you ate from the fruit i told you not to,"and Adam blamed it on God saying,"it's this woman you gave me.this woman convinced me to eat from the fruit-this woman made me do it-the one YOU gave ME.then Eve explained that the serpent convince her to do it-wow-that was the beginning of excuses.

Did you know that we are armed-lets look back to the definition of sin:it comes from a Hebrew word which means to miss the mark-we are equipped with a bow & arrow-if you like gulf,which I don't,you can say that you are equipped with a club and a ball.lets read on to 2 KINGS 13:15-18, here, Elisha commanded to take bow and arrows and smite the ground he only did it once and stoped...."and the man of God was wroth with him,and said,thou shoulderst have smitten 5 or six times....(2 kings 19)-Joash should've hit the ground at least 5 times...but he only hit once...that's us...people keep on missing the mark then stop---NO!we have to pick up our bow and arrow and keep,keep,keep,keep,keep,keep,keep,\shooooooting until you HIT THE M.A.R.K!!!!amen.don't just hit once 3 times then stop-keep shooting 'till you hit the mark.GOD bless.


are you you a true worshiper?,read this verse:

"religion that our God our Father accepts as pure and faultiness is this:to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."-james 1.27(NIV)

true worship is also looking after widows and orphans-when the earthquak hit Haiti,people were careless....but,eventhough it MIGHT'VE been a punishment from God,little children have starved to death and have sufferd-I do not believe THAT was a punishment from God-I believe God wants us to help people around the world-from Africa to russia-from the philipenes to Haiti-helping them...thats part of true worship.caring.Jesus cares for the widows and orphens.....why shouldn't WE.

who's the role model?

who's your role model?your it someone famous?a preacher? Billy Graham?well believe it or not,there is one role model that we should follow.that role model is Jesus Christ.Jesus didn't just come to earth to shed hie precious blood on the cross,he also came to set an example...Jesus said,"follow me"allot in the New Testament.Other popular role models sometime goes behind your back and does something terrible like smoking pot,but the Lord Jesus Christ,lived a perfect life-Jesus never smoked...he never killed...the bible never said anything about Jesus cursing...Jesus taught us to love one another...he forgave people that are not even worth being forgiven...that's an example we should follow...i don't know who your role model is,but mine is Jesus the Christ.Allot of people follow famous people,but they don't know who the true role model is...the one who shed his blood on Calvary...Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 7, 2010

2 types of idoltery...satan sneaks up on you when you dont even realize it.

think of idolatry...what do you think of?people worshiping other gods?bowing to a gold statue?well,believe it or not,that's not what all idolatry is like...theres more to the story....

  • the first type of idolatry is what i just mentioned....worshiping other gods...OR...people.this is where Satan comes in....many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many(i don't know when to stop)many,many,many,many,Christians worship idols...i don't wanna pock fun at churches and denominations so I'm not going to tell you which denomination groups do this,but most Christians pray to saints.others pray to marry,mother of Jesus....but i must warn you,they are wrong.a prayer is not just a thing that you get on your knees and pray,but it is also a type of worship. many Christians pray to saints,but that's also worshiping that saint.God made it clear like a million times in the bible that you should worship the Lord God Almighty alone.look at revelation 22:8-9; ---"....i fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.9)then saith he unto me,see thou do it not :for i am thy fellow servent,and of thy bretheren the prophets,and of them which keep sayings of this book:WORSHIP GOD."you see,john fell at the feet of an angel...and the angel rebuked him and commanded to worship God!!!!!!!!! I have known allot of people that pray to angels...they don't know that thy are not worshiping God but an angel...which is only a messenger of God.

  • the second type is like the most common type of idolatry...and it's right under your very nose.have you ever got a new ipod touch,your always on facebok,obsessed with tweeting,and you love those things so much that you would trade all you have to get the latest cell phone(that's why i got mine taken away)well,believe it or not,that is idolatry.when you get consumed in this world,and your always on face book(visit my face book,by the way)and you L-O-V-E it so much,that's's when you like something so much...that all of the sudden,you have replaced Jesus with a new cell me,it's not worth it.I was at school the other day 'till I over heard a normal girl was talking about clothes-then one of her friends asked,"how come all you care about is clothes"...her response was the most immature question I would ever hear..."what el's am i suppose to care about?"---WOW.'what els am i suppose to care about'-you probably know the answer to that-'Jesus christ',duhhhhh!that bloke,Jesus gave all he had...and she replaced him,God...Christ...Gods only son...for seems like she chose Las Vegas rather then about you?las Vegas or heaven?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

how do I join "United as One"?

want to become part of United as one?believe it or not,it's very simple as 1.2.3!this is very important because saten has an army and 1 vs,. 98,693,216,961,296,948,264,912,8618's not become a united as one member,you must first become a follower of this blog.if your not a follower yet and you want to become part of united as one,scroll down to the bottom of this blog and you should see a follower it...second,go back to this post and comment that you are a now part of united as one,and last,if you do not have a blog,create one and turn it in to a christian must contain contents such as how to be saved and other christian sermons....your blog must,must,must,have a post of the gospel...this should explain why Jesus came to earth,who he realy is,etc...your practicly preaching the gospel through the internet.

summery of how to be part of united as one:

  1. become a follower so I know who you are

  2. comment on "THIS POST "that you want to be part of UNITED AS ONE....

  3. create a blog and turn it into a christian blog that has sermons of the must have a post of the gospel.(it should look like this blog.
thank's time to become united...we have to tear the devils kingdon down!...N.o

want to be part of the crowed?(according to the bible)

all the most popular roll models go to parties and do stuff there not suppose to you ever think that the only way people is gonna like you if you do all those ungodly stuff?dont give in!those people may look happy,but most people who are involved often get depress and fell something missing in there lives.

you may get some advice from malachi 3:14-18.those who were doing wrong seemed to be having such great lives and the obedient to God always mourn all the time.but God does a distinction bettween the rightous & the wicked.he knows and remembers those who are faithful to him.

Do you want to be rememberd in 10(talking to teens)as a party girl(or guy)or a person who honored God?it's your's your choice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

spiritual warefare-how,when,where,& why

spiriual warefare-believe it or not,it goes around every day-look around-what do you see., might say just a plane old magazine laying around or a coke bottle-but its there-this spiritual warefare is in our minds.satan is trying to tempt us...satan tryed to tempt jesus in the desert...this proves that saten will try to tempt us....but we have to fight saten:

  1. why?-Because satan is the oppostie of christ...master deciever...king of lies...what God thinks is good,satan thinks its bad.the bible says that god made everything good...satan will try to make those good things to bad things.
  2. where?-this could happen any church,school,or at your own home.
  3. when?-this could happen any could even happen now.
  4. how?-satan will try to decieve you by advertising something thats BAD to make "look" GOOD...he will try to make something bad pleasing to the what he did to eve at the garden of eden.
we have to stop him and help others:

  1. why?-because if not,you and others are going to hell...satan is trying to drag people to hell with him.
  2. where?we should fight him any where...on the street,school,...just preach the gospel any where!
  3. when?we should fight saten NOW.lets not wait,because jesus is coming back and when he does,it will be too late.
  4. how?it doesn't matter how-facebook,myspace, long as your preaching the word,you have done your job.
satan will bring others to hell with him ,like i said several times,we have to stick United in spirit...and in bring down saten.this starts...NOW.

Can 'YOU' convince someone to be a christian?

Can you actualy convince someone to be a christian?after all,we are all united people of God.but can you-a human being-convince someone to turun to christ?

read this verse-(acts 16:11-15)therefore loosing from traos,we came with a straight course of samothrcia,and the next day to neapolis;12)and from thence to phellipi,which is the cheif city of that part of macedonia,and a colony:and we were in that city abiding certain days,13)and on the sabath we went out of the city bty a river side,where prayer was wont wont to be made;ans we sat down,and spake unto the women which resorted thiether.14)and a certen women named lydia,a seller of purple,of the city of thaytira,which worshiped God,heard us:whose heart the lord opened,that she attended unti the things which were spoken of paul.15)and she was baptized,and her hous hold...

it says the LORD opened her as a human cant convince any one to be a christian...only god...we are called to testify what god has done in our lives...we are called to tell the world that jesus saves....after that....let god do buisness...ley god open there heart.

About Me

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memphis, tennessee, United States
hey,i am one of those ordinary apostolic jesus freaks who likes to do random worshiping jesus,duaaa!!!. was baptized in jesus name in 11/15/09.despite my young age,i also preach(not every sunday).i preach for my youth group and try hard for other people to be baptized.i love talking about jesus christ,and stuff.i love hillsong,which is an awsome band-i practicly love listening to christian music.please visit my blog sometime,its called United As One-it has cool sermons,some christian song lyrics,and a whole bunch of other christian stuff.the web site is '

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