Friday, April 2, 2010

why is recieving the holy ghost important?

verse;--john 3;5
romans 8;1-17

why is recieving the holy ghost immportant?take a look a john 3;5-it says that you have to be born of the water-baptism,and of the spirit-baptism of the holy spirit or you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.
you have to be baptized in jesus name first of all-then you have to recieve the holy ghost!

read romans 8;1-14(KJV)-

"there is therefore now no condemnation unto them which are in christ jesus,who walk not after the flesh,but after the spirit.for the law of the spirit of kife in christ jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.for what the could not do,in that it was weak through the flesh,god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh,and for sin,condemned sin in the flesh:that the rightousness of the law might be fullfilled in us,who walk not after the spirit.for they that are in the fkesh do mind the things of the flesh;they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit.FOR TO BE CARNALLY MINDED IS DEATH;BUT TO BE SPIRITUALY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE.because the carnal mind is enmity against god:for it is not subject to the law of god,neither indeed can be.SO THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD.but ye are not in the flesh,but inthe spirit,if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you.NOW IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRT,HE IS NONE OF HIS.and if christ be in you ,the body is dead because of sin;but the spirit is life because of rightousness.but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you,he that raised up jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you.therefore brethren,we are debtors,not to the flesh,to live after the flesh.for if ye live after the flesh,ye shall die:but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds,ye shall live.for as many are led by the spirit of god,they are the sons of god."

it says that we have to live after the spirit and not after the flesh.verse 9 says that if you do not have the spirit you do not belong to christ and in verse 14 says that those who have the spirit are the sons of god!if you want to be a child of god you have to be baptized in jesus name FIRST-then you have to pray for the spirit-say,LORD I WANT YOUR GREAT HOLY SPIRIT-and when you recieve the holy spirit you WILL talk in a heavenly language that only god can understand!amen!halllelua!!!you have to recieve this gift!you have to be a child of god!-when you recieve this gift you will think what the spirit thinks-verse 8 says that the flesh(which is your self)cannot please god-other words a bag of cocain cannot please god!a bag of weed cannot please god!gambling cannot please god!!!verse 6 says that the carnal mind IS DEATH!!!!!!!!and verse 7 says the carnal mind is enity AGAINST GOD.beffore, you will be going to a bar 24 hours a day getten drunk but when you recieve the holy spirit,when your born of the will say I HAD ENOUGH WITH THIS BOTTLE OF BEER,I HAD ENOUGH WITH THE DEVIL,AND I WILL TURN TO JESUS,I WILL WORSHIP HIS WONDERFUL NAME,AND I AM HIS CHILD-HALLELUA.
WHEN YOUR FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST YOU WONT BE YOUR SELF NO MORE...YOU WILL BE A NEW PERSON,you will be a new creature!!!!!!!!!!!!verse 13 says that if you live after the flesh you WILL DIE-AND THATS NOT A THREAT,THATS A PROMISE!it says if you live after the spirit you shall live!

keep praying for the spirit

1 comment:

  1. I will continue to pray. Happy Resurrection Day! Christ is Risen! :)


About Me

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memphis, tennessee, United States
hey,i am one of those ordinary apostolic jesus freaks who likes to do random worshiping jesus,duaaa!!!. was baptized in jesus name in 11/15/09.despite my young age,i also preach(not every sunday).i preach for my youth group and try hard for other people to be baptized.i love talking about jesus christ,and stuff.i love hillsong,which is an awsome band-i practicly love listening to christian music.please visit my blog sometime,its called United As One-it has cool sermons,some christian song lyrics,and a whole bunch of other christian stuff.the web site is '

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